Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

"An approach to conducting business in which the company when weighing up its interests takes into accounts its positive and negative effects on society in general and on its stakeholders in particular, in order to make carefully considered choices that contribute to the resolution of societal issues."

Social Responsibility

Petra Energy Trading, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an integral component of the way we do business. We are fully aligned with the corporate social responsibility policies of our parent, and committed to mitigating or resolving current and future social issues through our corporate activities.

People, Planet, Profit and Power

An essential feature of corporate social responsibility is to recognize a balance between People, Planet and Profit. This represents both the conventional and sustainable energy we supply to customers and the energy and passion with which we discharge our corporate social responsibility.


We are an ambitious company and are always looking to form partnerships with organizations and individuals who wish to enter into the oil and exploration markets. Petra has access to many oil and gas related opportunities globally which may include building new refineries, gas exploration, oil exploration, logistics and distribution set ups etc, and welcome companies and investors to work with us in executing projects that would make a positive contribution to the environment and healthy returns.

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